Screen capture from Disparais by Charlène Darling (directed by Raquel García López) Where's Waldo?
Greetings and welcome!
My name is Max, short for Maximilien. I live in Pantin, France (a small suburban town near Paris) with two cats and another human being. I have worked as a bookseller, tour guide, copywriter, art director and screenwriter for over twenty years.
If you're here, there's a good chance we've crossed paths in real life. Or perhaps you've heard of my bands, SYRIIS and VIOLENT CITY?
In any case, No Clout is likely to share more than you need to know about my current and past involvement in music and beyond. This website serves as a personal repository for all the endeavors I've undertaken since the early 1990s, within the confines of my own underground Metal and Hardcore Punk niche – encompassing podcasts, old fanzines, past bands, and even a few mixtapes that you can stream or download.
Speaking of mixtapes, No Clout is also the home of the #MetalPunkTapeExchange FAQ. The Metal Punk Tape Exchange (or MPTX) is a delightful project initiated with my old friend Luc. It's a global mixtape trading ring that occurs approximately every six weeks, both in physical life and on social networks. Yes, we still exchange mixtapes on actual cassette tapes and send them via snail mail in a stamped envelope.
Other sections on this website include DRY RETCH, my blog. You'll also discover a collection of interviews I've conducted with friends (with plans for more in the future!) and some old reviews, along with other goodies. Have fun!
My name is Max, short for Maximilien. I live in Pantin, France (a small suburban town near Paris) with two cats and another human being. I have worked as a bookseller, tour guide, copywriter, art director and screenwriter for over twenty years.
If you're here, there's a good chance we've crossed paths in real life. Or perhaps you've heard of my bands, SYRIIS and VIOLENT CITY?
In any case, No Clout is likely to share more than you need to know about my current and past involvement in music and beyond. This website serves as a personal repository for all the endeavors I've undertaken since the early 1990s, within the confines of my own underground Metal and Hardcore Punk niche – encompassing podcasts, old fanzines, past bands, and even a few mixtapes that you can stream or download.
Speaking of mixtapes, No Clout is also the home of the #MetalPunkTapeExchange FAQ. The Metal Punk Tape Exchange (or MPTX) is a delightful project initiated with my old friend Luc. It's a global mixtape trading ring that occurs approximately every six weeks, both in physical life and on social networks. Yes, we still exchange mixtapes on actual cassette tapes and send them via snail mail in a stamped envelope.
Other sections on this website include DRY RETCH, my blog. You'll also discover a collection of interviews I've conducted with friends (with plans for more in the future!) and some old reviews, along with other goodies. Have fun!