Recently uncovered: a collection of old mixtapes burned on CD-Rs during the early 21st century. These compilations featured a diverse array of tunes sourced from my trusty iRiver iHP-140 MP3 player, a clunky but cutting-edge device at the time, overshadowed later by Apple's sleeker yet inferior alternatives. Unfortunately, the player succumbed without a backup, leaving these nostalgic compilations preserved on cheap Memorex discs—of which only one in ten still functions. It seems inevitable that digital artifacts from the early 21st century, be it music, pictures, or more, may fade away for many... lost in hard drive crashes, memory lapses, and unreadable CD-Rs. How about you? Do you still have pictures from the era of the first digital cameras? As for me, those memories are buried in technological mishaps. (The sound might be a bit iffy on this mix, but I still cherish it!)
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Destroying cassettes since the 1980s
Sometimes I make mixtapes digitally on the computer, sometimes I dub them from source to deck, sometimes I mix and match both techniques. And then they get sent all around the world. In return, I get a few tapes in the mail... A selection of these transient mixes is archived here, which you can either stream or download for later. ArchivesCategories