I made this one as a bonus tape for Round 2 of the Metal Punk Tape Exchange.
Here's the accompanying text on that near-unreadable j-card: "Hello! Based on your answers to the questionnaire and the stuff I have lying around at home, I decided to do something a little different for this much-awaited round 2 of #metalpunktapeexchange. The Metal/Punk ratio will be lower than on other entries but (I hope) still highly enjoyable: Blue Öyster Cult, Autopsy at their doomiest, some groove-laden Dutch doom by Celestial Season just before they turned full stoner - their peak period IMHO -, a wild, heavier version of Mexican Radio, the Wall Of Voodoo cover revamped by Celtic Frost, Voïvod in their Eric Forrest phase (am I the only one who likes this incarnation more and more as time passes by?), some haunting ‘modern crust’ tunes by Alpinist and Jungbluth and even an Oi! song by French band Traître who wrote some great nihilistic odes to death which were at odd with the traditional beer-buddies-fight anthems. Then you will also hear on this tape middle-of-the-road oddities like this William Faith/Jarboe collab, swedish superfreaks Pan-Thy-Monium doing a synth-driven epic that could be the soundtrack to a Michael Mann movie from the 80s, some good old Broadcast (RIP sweet Trish), Shocking Blue and Flux Of Pink Indians because why the hell not. And then we move on to the weirder, lesser-known stuff like Rotomagus (a French band from the late 60s who did a crazy EP in 1970, check out the other song “Madame Wanda” on YouTube if you like this one), some Visitors AKA Jean-Pierre Massiera, a crazy French musician who did a lot of killer library, prog and disco stuff over the years, Finders Keepers has a cool vinyl collection out. What else do we have here? Oh yes, Guillaume Perret, one of our best contemporary jazz musician here in France at the moment, this is by far his best song, also some Paternoster from Austria, probably my favourite ‘evil prog’ record of the 70s, it’s so bleak and depressing, like hearing Procol Harum on Valium on a 78 RPM record playing at the wrong speed, I love these guys, just like Alessandro Alessandroni, probably my favourite italian library musician, so versatile & diverse, an incredible talent for sure, not like Man (the band) admittedly... but I decided to put one of their novelty songs on here because it’s so tacky and lame it makes for a fun ending on Side B. Have I forgotten anyone? Oh yes, Osamu Kitajima! This song is from his second album Benzaiten but I ripped it from a cool comp called Ongaku 70, highly recommended! That’s it for now! Enjoy this tape and hope to see you around for Round 3." Download Link
Destroying cassettes since the 1980s
Sometimes I make mixtapes digitally on the computer, sometimes I dub them from source to deck, sometimes I mix and match both techniques. And then they get sent all around the world. In return, I get a few tapes in the mail... A selection of these transient mixes is archived here, which you can either stream or download for later. ArchivesCategories